Data Analysis

Throughout my studies as an Economics B.A. and previous internships, I have had several opportunities in the field of data analysis.



UCSB Economics and StreetHunt Games

At the start of my experience as an Economics student, I struggled to find what truly made me excited to integrate into my career goals. It wasn't until my first experience with Stata and econometrics where I started to find my passion in my degree.

In my 2nd year of college, I applied for a selective honors economics class that introduced students to research and data analysis. I was ultimately selected for the class and got to conduct research regarding the correlation between education and income using US Census data. My experience with Stata and economics research only continued to grow in my econometrics class.

I have also been able to seek out internships that involve data analysis, one even being a small start-up in London called StreetHunt Games. Here I used Google Analytics to provide data-backed marketing campaigns. Additionally, I am currently using UCSB Economics Department data to answer questions regarding major acceptance rates.

To further my skills in data analysis, I recently completed a UC Davis extension course on SQL. Please check out the SQL slide deck I created for my peers."

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